I’m active member in more than 15 professional associations, such as the special interest group of sleeping disorders of the World Physiotherapy (the operating name of World Confederation for Physical Therapy) / Network for Health Promotion in Life and Work; individual member of the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) and the organizational secretary of the Executive Committee of PanHellenic Physiotherapist Association (Attica Region, Greece), etc.
I am also the founder / President of the Scientific Society for Health Education “BIOAGOGHI” (Greece); of the scientific section “Physiotherapy in mental Health” of Pan-Hellenic Physiotherapist Association as well as a founding member of the scientific section "Neurological Physiotherapy of Pan-Hellenic Physiotherapist Association
Delegate of Greece in the International Organization of Physiotherapy in Mental Health (official subgroup of the World Physiotherapy and at the European network on Health Enhancing Physical Activity (H.E.P.A, W.H.O/Europe)
Participant of the Development Group for Schizophrenia of the WHO Rehabilitation Programme / Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation.