WELL@SME podcasts for SMEs owners

We are happy to announce that the podcast series is on air!

The series where experts and/or SMEs owners from the different countries involved in the project were interviewed to discuss and provide suggestions to SMEs owners about how to recognize signs of poor mental health and what they could do to respond to or prevent them.

You can watch the podcast series here


The “WELL@SME: Mental Wellbeing in SMEs” project responds to the specific needs of employees and managers/owners of SMEs by designing and making available tailor-made resources, tools, and strategies to prevent and contrast work-related stress and the negative mental health impact of working conditions. The project aims to create and develop flexible learning offers aiming to promote positive mental health in the workplace adapted to the specific learning needs of owners and employees of SMEs. The project integrates an array of different digital learning tools, thus supporting the strengthening/acquisition of digital skills among learners. The expected tangible result of the project is a set of complementary resources to support SMEs owners, line managers, and employees to prevent and tackle mental health issues in the workplace through information, education, and implementation of practice. The project has a built-in integrated approach which is based on: protective measures, reduction of risk factors, and mental health literacy (MHL).
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union (ID KA220- ADU-9AAA209B); and is implemented by the following organizations: The organization Danish Committee for Health Education (DCHE) from Denmark (coordinator), in cooperation with:
• ANZIANI E NON SOLO SOCIETA COOPERATIVA SOCIALE (Italy) • K.S.D.E.O. EDRA (Greece) • European Health Futures Forum (Ireland)
• Rightchallenge – Associação (Portugal)
• Sarkana Krusta medicinas koledza (Latva)
• MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry (Finland)