17th International Art & Mental Health Festival ART4MORE

One Health

Saturday, October 12 & Sunday, October 13, 2024 | Antonis Tritsis Metropolitan Park, Athens | 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM | FREE ENTRY

The 17th International Art & Mental Health Festival ART4MORE 2024 invites us to discover our relationship with nature and animals. People have become increasingly alienated from their natural environment, predominantly living in urbanized areas. Nature is not just the backdrop of our lives; it is the embrace that calms us, the refuge that heals us. The further we drift away from lush forests, blooming meadows, and serene rivers, the deeper we sink into a sea of anxiety. Our contact with animals helps us uncover new aspects of ourselves, connect with our humaity, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.




Through art pieces and events, the festival presents the harmony, dynamics, and challenges of the relationship between humans, animals, and the environment, exploring the concept of One Health. BioArt works, experiential educational projects on One Health, performances, workshops for children and adults, soundscapes, talks, musical beginnings, and more are just some of the festival's activities that embrace a holistic and collective approach to One Health through art and the advocacy of mental health.




By participating in the festival, the audience will have the opportunity to experience pioneering art pieces from artists, hear from mental health specialists sharing their knowledge on the therapeutic power of nature, and be inspired by expert scientists to take action for a more sustainable world.




ENALMH is proud to participate as a sponsor of the festival, supporting mental health and the connection of humans to its surrounding environment within the framework of the One Health concept.